Rearing Tips
Let us respect our puppies as the creature dog and let us take responsibility for their needs!
A few brief suggestions to help your puppy settle in comfortably. The puppy will not have physical contact from the siblings, so it is important to have him near us for the first few days in order to form a trusting bond.
However, the cute four-legged friend must also be set clear limits, as he already knows from his mother. Responsibly and with calm energy, we convey what we want and show them where the limits are. Dogs don't think, they react!
Until the little one arrives at the new home, you have time to think about the house rules: Where is it allowed to go and how about the security in the house (power cables, shelves, food, rubbish bins, cleaning supplies, plants, etc. child safety gates may be of help) .
Plan a structured day. Ask yourself:
Who will take the puppy for a walk and when?
Who remembers when was the last time pee/popo was done?
Who feeds the puppy, how much and when?
How long and how often do you go for a walk?
Is a dog crate an option for us?
How do we ensure the puppy gets its rest periods?
Where does the puppy sleep or does it have more than one sleeping place?
Who teaches, practices and sets limits?
Who will be our vet?
Which puppy and dog class will we attend?
Dogs love routine, just like us. The great thing is dogs are very adaptable.
Trip to the new home
What you will need:​
Crate or seat
Blanket, Pampers pad for emergencies
Collar, leash and water bowl
Where to stop for the first walk on the way to the new home
Remember that everything is foreign to your pup. Lure your puppy with food give it time to sniff everything so that it can feel safe and relax.
Why can a dog crate be a good option?
For your pup the crate feels like a cave, a place of retreat, where it feels safe and secure, and where there is peace and quiet. Puppies sleep a lot. If you have a lot of visitors and action, a crate can be the place where your pup will finde the quiet that it needs.
A crate is also useful in your car for safety, can be useful for hotel visits and trips to the vet, it can prevent separation anxiety, ...
The crate can also be helpful for potty training. Puppies don't soil their sleeping area. Let the puppy explore the crate. If you place treats inside it, the crate will get even more interesting for your pup to explore. Do not go away until your puppy is completely calm and relaxed inside the crate. Now you can close the door. If your pup whines, ignore it unless it's time for your pupp to relive itself. Remember: puppies digest quickly and have to go relive them selves after sleeping and about every 3-4 hours during the first couple weeks. It is therefore important to feed early in the evening and remove the water overnight so that you too can have a restful night.
If you are planning to change the brand of the dog food, we recommend that you take the time to study the ingredient list. You will be surprised what you can find there.
TrainingDog school
Visit the puppy and young dog school. Get an idea of where you can spend pleasant and instructive hours together. Remember, a puppy is already at a high level of learning and wants your guidance. Therefore start as soon as possible and practice walking on the leash. Every success is a tremendous feeling of happiness and is great fun. Dogs always want to please us. Start with the first commands "sit", "stay", "go into the basket" on the first day. This will make your puppy feel guided and safe.
If something doesn't work out. Ask yourself the following questions.
What kind of energy do I let my dog feel?
What are my thoughts?
Does my dog have enough exercise?
Do I give him clear and consistent instructions and rules?
Do you reward my puppy with petting, treats or play?
Sometimes it pays to take a closer look at yourself :)